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I liked the various twists in this game, but didn't really understand the role of those panda bears in it. The 1 under the house, was to lure the player to the key? 

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.

Hey! Thanks for playing my game! Honestly, it not my proudest work but I had fun watching you play it. The game was about the demon spirit Ifrit. You are but a simple firefighter called to address the fire. The dolls are but a trap to show you that there are humans (kids) there and since the dolls are outside and the kids nowhere to be found, they must be inside therefore you have to save them. Getting in the house hurts you and your firefighter gear hence the blood and the screen crack effect. Upon the jump scare with Ifrit, you realize that this isn't what you signed up for and you must seek safety, but you cannot go outside the way you came in you have to find another way. You instead go to his (Ifrit's) Domain and await your demise. 

Again, thanks for checking out my game! I have subscribed to your channel too :D



Aha! There's always much more to it than meets the eye :o]

Thanks for the explanation, because now everything falls into place. I know nothing about making games, so please forgive my ignorance.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel. I will not let you down and make you feel a proud part of Team Daniel!